
YS Park

Y.S.Park Professional tools were created by the genius hairstylist Young Soo Park from Japan.

Each product has been meticulously designed and follows Mr. Park’s philosophy of “one hand creates, while the other hand builds”. Meaning your right hand cuts or “builds” the haircut with scissors, while your left hand styles or “creates” with the comb or brush.

Super G YS-50G3 52mm Hairbrush

Super G YS-50G3 52mm Hairbrush

— $140.00
— Sold Out

Super G YS-66GWO 70mm Hairbrush

Super G YS-66GWO 70mm Hairbrush

— $180.00
— Sold Out

Super G YS-65G0 65mm Hairbrush

Super G YS-65G0 65mm Hairbrush

— $170.00
— Sold Out